Archive for September, 2010


More Postcards

September 23, 2010

New postcards from!

This one is from Japan:

This one is from the Netherlands:

And this one is from London via Portugal:

In other news, we saw Aimee Mann at the Ark in Ann Arbor (say that ten times fast!) on Tuesday night. She was incredible, per usual.. and we fell in love with the Ark. The best part? Aimee Mann announced that she is working on a musical and played some songs from it. How awesome is that?!

The end for now.


Wedding Dresses, Quilts, and Postcards

September 14, 2010

Last weekend was awesome.. flat out one of the best weekends… maybe ever?

First, I found a wedding dress! I had sort of been dreading wedding dress shopping. I didn’t know what I wanted and I’m not a great shopper anyway, so the whole thing just seemed a little overwhelming. My mom went with me and we went to a place in Rochester, only to find out that it had closed last month. Awesome!

We didn’t have plans to do anything else, so we decided to try Somerset Mall. The Nordstrom there only had two dresses (both of which involved large, feathery skirts that were not my thing)… and we didn’t have high hopes for the Macys because we didn’t have an appointment. Amazingly enough, the bridal salon at Macys helped us right away and I completely fell in love with the fourth dress I tried on. I tried on a few more afterward, but only to validate my choice a little more.

I have a picture on my phone, but the lighting isn’t great, so I’ll describe it and maybe you can visualize it? It’s very much like the white dress that Marilyn Monroe is so famous for, except it isn’t a halter top, it has two medium-wide straps. The skirt has a little bounce to it and falls just below my knees. And I love it 🙂

It’s going to take 4-6 months to be made though, which means in order to get alterations done after I get it.. I sort of timed it perfectly. It definitely wasn’t on purpose.

Second, we went to see my quilt in the Flint Festival of Quilts. I had submitted my Starry Night Quilt:
Starry night quilt
And it was accepted and hung up in the Lunch Studio in Flint. It was awesome to see it hanging up and there were a lot of great quilts in the show.

Third, there were a lot of other highlights – going to Benihana with Dave, Nat, and Dave F to celebrate Dave’s bithday early (his actual birthday is this coming Friday, but we have bachelor/bachelorette celebrations for Nat and Dave); going to see Resident Evil: Afterlife 3D (I do love my zombies!); and I recieved my first postcard from is a site where you can send and receive postcards from all over the world. I joined last week and sent out the newbie max of five postcards. So far my postcards have traveled a total of 7,276 miles. And so far, I’ve received one postcard all the way from Japan:

Sushi Postcard

Anyway, I think that covers it for now. The end.